
"Live today for your tomorrow!"

Once upon a time, there was two beautiful women

Kategori: Allmänt

Once upon a time, there was two people in The world. Their names was RetardedRainbow and IsaApelsin. They lived in peace until one day when a Sudden thunder hit the land. To survive, they had to give up the peace and put their own lives first, which resulted in a bloody war between them.
To survive, each had to give up feelings for a certain person - what choice did they have when both Only knew each other? Here is the story of two people who fought against each other not knowing how much that person in reality really meant.

Oh no can't write this story >.< it's to sad.. They are both good friends... Lets change story! :D

Once upon a time, there was a girl named snyftis who didnt really have any friends. She always kept her thoughts to herself, and didnt let Anyone get to know them. But then, on a Sunny day - she met these two girls who would have a great part in this wonderful future of hers. They would make her life worth living, an save her from a dark future.
This is a story of friendship that Will last forever.. Or until death tear them apart.

Alltså någon som märker att jag har tråkigt? Bra. ;) ville göra en vacker historia om IsaApelsin å RetardedRainbow... Men svårt att skriva ngt bra på en mobil som rättar allt man skriver på engelska? -_-' suck. Får göra en vacker historia med dem senare :D osså måste jag ta mig i kragen å fortsätta med boken om jag vill ha den färdig innan 2030 ;)


  • Lisa säger:

    Men whaat? Vadå för book?! :O Nu blev jag superduper nyfiken!! Vad handlar den om?? :D Sneak peak??? ;)

    2013-02-13 | 15:14:20

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